The vegetation along the banks of the River Cristalino tends to be very dense, with trees that are also typical of tropical floodplain rainforests and abundant lianas. On the banks of the River Teles Pires this vegetation, with its abundance of vines, intertwined with saplings and shrubs, can form a tangled barrier. The most common tree families are Leguminosae: Guamas (Inga nobilis and I. vera) and Moraceae: Fig (Ficus trigonous). Many of the species are also common to tropical floodplains.
The luxuriant Riparian vegetation along the River Cristalino.
The most common families amongst the abundant vines and creepers are Dilleniaceae: Caskfruit (Doliocarpus dentatus); Leguminosae: a member of the Rosewood genus (Dalbergia gracilis) and Passifloraceae: the Black passion flower (Passiflora vespertilio).
The anhinga (Anhinga anhinga) lives on the riverbanks and is often seen among the Riparian vegetation.