Paradise Tanager (Tangara chilensis)
Jorge Lopes
IMG 3268




With a large number of endemic species, such as the Ornate Hawk-Eagle (Spizaetus ornatus), Agami Heron (Agamia agami), White-bellied Parrot (Pionites leucogaster), Orange-cheeked Parrot (Pyrilia barrabandi) and Black-girdled Barbet (Capito dayi), as well as iconic birds such as the Harpy Eagle (Harpia harpyja) and Crested Owl (Lophostrix cristata), the Cristalino region is considered to be one of the best places in Brazil for birdwatching, with 596 species having been catalogued.

Situated in the Amazon forest, near the convergence point with the Pantanal wetlands and Cerrado savanna, the enormous variety of bird species makes Cristalino a destination that is not to be missed. The Lodge has guides who specialize in birdwatching, with many years of experience in the field. They are experts at locating, identifying and compiling lists of species that have been sighted. There are trails that have been specially nurtured for bird watching.

Learn more about the birds at Cristalino Lodge.

Amazonian Umbrellabird (Cephalopterus ornatus)


The activities usually begin very early in the morning, before sunrise, as it is at this moment that the birds are particularly active. The guides will seek out and identify bird species throughout the day, looking also for mixed flocks, where several species can be seen in the same location, feeding on insects. The trails pass through a variety of habitats, where you can see species typical of bamboo groves, understory layer, riverbanks and forest canopy.

Walking the trails in this program is usually a slow process, as it is common to pause in certain spots to watch the birds. Consequently, the groups spend many hours in the forest during their half-day tours. Birdwatchers can tell the guides which species they would most like to see during their stay, so the tours can be organized to maximize the chances of spotting them.


One should bear in mind that watching birds in the Amazon is a much more challenging task than in the open Cerrado savanna or Pantanal regions, as it is so much easier for the birds to hide in the forest and move around frequently. And there are others that are shy and hard to find. However, spotting species that cannot be found anywhere else in the world is a very rewarding experience.


Check out the Cristalino Lodge lists of species.

Curl-crested Aracari (Pteroglossus beauharnaisii)


The duration of your stay is up to you, but for a deep immersion in the forest, with time to observe the species, we recommend a stay of 5 to 7 nights.


  • People with mobility difficulties or serious health issues. Always consult your doctor before signing up for a trip.
  • People who are not birdwatchers. For nature lovers, the ideal would be to book a nature trip, where you will see plenty of birds, within a more general focus on nature.
Great Potoo (Nyctibius grandis)
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