Researchers working in the field
Jorge Lopes
Researches building the first herbarium of northern Mato Grosso
Cristalino Foundation
A puma (Puma concolor) recorded during a study of large mammals in the Cristalino RPPN
Camera Trap - Bárbara Zimbres
New Species for science: Alta Floresta Antpitta (Hylopezus whittakeri)
Jorge Lopes
This plant (Sciadocephala gracieliae) is a newly discovered species in Mato Grosso and a first recording for Brazil
Graciele Henicka
This plant (Marsdenia aff. macrophylla) is a newly discovered species
Denise Sasaki
Cristalino Jungle Lodge Marsdenia sp nov Apocynaceae New to Science Cristaino Ecological Foundation
White-Whiskered Spider Monkey (Ateles marginatus)
Edson Endrigo
03 Ateles Marginatus
Jaguar (Panthera onca) photographed as part of the Camera Trap project
Cristalino Foundation
Screen Shot 2022 09 24 at 11 08 46
A new species of butterfly (Cristalinaia vitoria), discovered in the Cristalino RPPN
Cristalino Foundation
The Cryptic Forest Falcon (Micrastur mintoni), only discovered in 2002
Jorge Lopes
783 A5970
First recording of the rare Scaled Ground-Cuckoo (Neomorphus squamiger) in Mato Grosso
Jorge Lopes
783 A5793
Yellow-and-black netted variant of the Splash-backed Poison Frog (Adelphobates galactonotus)
Rudimar Cipriani
Cristalino Jungle Lodge Species not yet describet to science Dendrobatis sp Rudimar Cipriani
A climate study
Kátia Kuwabara
Cristalino Jungle Lodge DSC8787 Katia Kuwabara
Studying the behavior of the White-Nosed Saki (Chiropotes albinasus)
João Paulo Krajewski
CL João Paulo 16




There is currently a lack of information about the southern Amazon and, for this reason, research is of fundamental importance. This is even more disturbing when one considers the loss of biodiversity in urban areas and within the buffer zones around protected areas. Our research activities are based on the production and dissemination of knowledge about biodiversity and socioeconomics in the Southern Amazon.


The research carried out by the Cristalino Foundation and its partners, supported by the Cristalino Lodge, includes topics such as:

  • Survey of the flora in the Cristalino area, with 1,361 species of plants identified, five of which are new to science: Guarea zepivae, Marsdenia aff. macrophylla, Passiflora cristalina, Sciadocephala gracieliae e Ichthyothere sp. nov.. The project was carried out in partnership with the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew, in London, and the Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT).
  • Extensive study of the birds of the Cristalino area and Alta Floresta, over two decades, by many researchers and ornithologists - including Alexander Lees, Kevin Zimmer, Curtis Marantz, Andrew Whittaker, Bradley Davis, Bret Whitney, Ted Parker, Jeremy Minns, Francisco Souza and Jorge Lopes - and with contributions from various organizations, including the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, in New York, the Field Museum of Chicago, the Moore Foundation and the Emílio Goeldi Museum, in Pará.
  • Survey of small and medium-sized mammals.
  • Study of the white-whiskered spider monkey (Ateles marginatus) and its distribution, by Paola Cardias Soares, with support from the Federal University of Pará and the Emílio Goeldi Museum in Pará.
  • Study of the red-nosed bearded saki (Chiropotes albinasus) and its distribution, by Rafaela F. S. da Silva, with support from the Emílio Goeldi Museum and the Federal University of Pará (UFPA).
  • Study of reptiles and amphibians, assisted by Dr. Guarino Colli, Laurie Vitt, Janaiee Caldwell, Donald Shepard and Frederico Fraça, and supported by the University of Brasilia (UNB).
  • Study of the fish in the River Cristalino, assisted by Dr. Rainer Radtke, Timo Moritz and Vivica von Vietinghoff, and supported by the University of Tübingen, in Baden-Württenberg.
  • Study of the relationship between biodiversity in forest fragments and in conservation areas, in order to identify trends and patterns and thus strengthen conservation policies, with assistance from Dr. Carlos Peres.
  • Study of bats, by Ana Carolina Moreira Martins, assisted by Dr. Carlos Peres and supported by the University of Brasília (UnB).
  • Study of large mammals, using camera traps, assisted by Dr. Carlos Peres and Bárbara Zimbres and supported by the University of Brasilia (UNB).
  • Study of birds in the understory, by Talitha da Cunha Pires Middleton, assisted by Dr. Carlos Peres and supported by the University of São Paulo (USP).
  • Climate study made in partnership with the Laboratory of Climate and Soil Use with Remote Sensing of the University of Rennes, France; the Federal University of Mato Grosso, the University of Brasília and the University of São Paulo. Since 1999, climate data from the Cristalino Region has been collected and analyzed under the supervision of Professor Vincent Dubreuil. The results contribute to better understand the forest and generates valuable information to promote conservation.
  • A study of the mushrooms and other fungi in the Cristalino RPPN, carried out by D. Jean Lodge and Susanne Sourell and published in Portuguese by Field Museum. Mato Grosso - Fungi of Cristalino Private Natural Heritage Reserve (Vol.1 and Vol.2).
  • Research into the diversity of the praying mantis in the Cristalino RPPN, under the Mantis Project, in partnership with the Cristalino Foundation and researchers Leonardo Lanna and Lucas Fiat, from the Emílio Goeldi Museum (MPEG) in Pará state. Leonardo Lanna was one of the speakers at TED 2022 - A New Era, in Vancouver, Canada.
  • A study of the butterflies in the Cristalino area, which identified 1,010 species. This is the largest list ever published for a single location in Brazil. This study also contributed to the discovery of species that were new to science. Published by: Luísa L. Mota, Stephen J. Boddington, Keith S. Brown Jr., Curtis J. Callaghan, Gill Carter, Will Carter, Sidnei M. Dantas, Diego R. Dolibaina, Kim Garwood, Richard C. Hoyer, Robert K. Robbins, Aaron Soh, Keith R. Willmott & André V. L. Freitas.
  • A study of how the butterfly assemblages differ among the vegetation types in the Cristalino area. Published by: Luísa L. Mota, Jessie P. Santos, Keith R. Willmott, André V. L. Freitas.


Furthermore, studies of a socio-economic nature were also performed, such as:

  • Quality of water resources in the Cristalino Region, by the University of Mato Grosso (UFMT).
  • Mercury and human health, by Renato Aparecido de Farias and the São Paulo State University (UNESP).
  • Hunting and preservation of the jaguar in rural areas, by Silvio Marchini.
  • Fires and their effects on health, by the University of Mato Grosso (UFMT).


All the research helps the region in a number of ways. For example, the knowledge generated is passed on to the guides who work at the Cristalino Lodge, which in turn enriches the experience of our guests. At the same time, it enriches the Cristalino Foundation’s environmental education projects. And it also contributes, directly and indirectly, to society in general, by providing information on the conservation of this region.


  • To download research papers and publications, please visit the Cristalino Foundation website.
  • Download the species lists of Cristalino Lodge.

If you are a researcher and would like to perform field studies or set up a partnership with your institution, contact the Cristalino Foundation to find out more about our programs.

Cristalino Jungle Lodge Fungos Rudimar Cipriani
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