Put together by the renowned biologist José Sabino, the book "Ecoturismo - Nas Trilhas da Biodiversidade Brasileira (Ecotourism – On the track of Brazilian Biodiversity)" presents a combination of photographs and impeccable text that is an open invitation to anyone who is interested in nature or tourism. The book is beautifully illustrated, with gorgeous photos, and also reflects on the business of adventure tourism, the economy based on offering new experiences, ecotourism, best practices in observing wildlife, and other considerations.
The Cristalino Lodge is featured in one of the book’s chapters, entitled "Gestão de meios de hospedagem e conservação da biodiversidade: a experiência do Cristalino Jungle Lodge (Managing accommodations and the conservation of biodiversity: the experience of the Cristalino Jungle Lodge)" and written by Vitória Da Riva – educator, owner of the Cristalino Lodge and president of the Cristalino Foundation.
Title: Ecoturismo - Nas Trilhas da Biodiversidade Brasileira (Ecotourism - On the Tracks of Brazilian Biodiversity)
Published: July 2012
Edition: 1
Published by: Natureza em Foco
Language: Portuguese
Type: Book